New Waltham Academy

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Team Captains

Allocation of houses


The school is divided into four houses: - Diamond, Sapphire, Emerald and Ruby.  Children are allocated a house when they start in Early Years or when they join the school at a later stage.  Children of the same family will be allocated the same house - we do ensure that the number of children is fairly balanced between each house. Every child is encouraged to buy a PE t-shirt in the colour of their house team to wear in PE lessons, for Fit Friday and all team events.



Children move into their new classes for the last two weeks of the Summer term. During this time team captains from Year 6 are chosen by the Year 6 teachers. Lots of things are taken into consideration when selecting the team captains. The team captains wear a badge to show their position in the school. Captains are expected top:-


  • Bring their House into assembly quietly and sensibly and monitor behaviour of all pupils at this time.
  • Sit at the side of their house in Monday reward assembly or at the sides in any other assembly where children are sat in their classes.
  • Be an example of exemplary behaviour and attitude.
  • Earn house team points and encourage others to do so.
  • Collect up the house points weekly.
  • Help teachers to organise house team competitions.
  • Propose and represent ideas for their house that will help the running of the school.


Please note captains whose behaviour or attitude is not a good example to others may be asked to stand down from the captaincy.


Recording of house points.


Each class are encouraged to devise their own way of recording the house team points but they must be clearly displayed. Collection of these points is every Thursday afternoon in preparation for the Friday reward assembly where the weekly winners are announced. House teams are counted over a course of a term and following the term team competition the House Champions for that term are announced. At the end of the year, all of the house point are totalled and the winners receive the House team cup.


In conclusion


The system aims to encourage a sense of pride and achievement for all of the children. It fosters community spirit and gives the children an opportunity to contribute to something bigger, which involves children from all year groups. The older children re positive role models .




Team points that can be awarded.


3 team points


Good behaviour in class, around school and out of school on a visit.

Achieving an award out of school e.g sporting awards etc.

Having your hand up lots in class.

Generally showing ways in which to support the school values.



5 team points


Displaying a positive attitude to learning/work.

Being awarded the ‘good role model’ and/or the True Believer Award.

Representing New Waltham Academy at an event e.g football match etc

Neatly presented work.

Being a responsible learner e.g handing in of home learning on time etc.


Other opportunities


Team captains can give up to 5 teams maximum to children in assemblies.


100% attendance at the end of each term – 10 team points

Gaining a pen licence – 10 team points

New reading log awards –

BRONZE – 5 team points

SILVER – 10 team points

GOLD – 15 team points



1ST place – 500 team points

2nd place – 400 team points

3rd place – 300 team points

4th place – 200 team points


Teachers can give 20 team points for a WOW moment and 1 team point for things they would like to reward.