New Waltham Academy

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Meet our SENCo's 

 Mrs Grindle

 Mrs Wilbourne



SENDIASS North East Lincolnshire is a free service for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their parents and carers. It’s impartial and we give confidential information, advice and support in relation to special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and related health and social care matters.

Learn more about how SENDIASS can help you. SENDIASS – NELC (



The North East Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum is a collective group of parents passionate about driving positive change. Our aim is to be a true representation of the voices of parent carers of children with additional needs and disabilities. We strive to have a positive impact on the planning and provision of services and decision making for the families of North East Lincolnshire- now, and in the future.

Get involved with NELPCF’s activities:

NELPCF website

NELPCF Facebook



Delivering Better Value in SEND

The Delivering Better Value in SEND programme (DBV in SEND) is aiming to support local authorities and their local area partners to improve the delivery of SEND services for children and young people whilst working towards financial sustainability.

To stay up to date with the programmes progress please visit NELC SEND Local Offer | Delivering Better Value in SEND (

SEN Provision

The Local Offer for New Waltham Academy


The SEND Code of Practice makes it clear that the governing body/trustees or proprietor of all schools and academies must publish a report containing SEND information. This report must set out their arrangements on it’s website for identifying, assessing and making provision for pupils/students with SEND.

We have set out our SEND information in the following parent-friendly format which we trust you will find helpful.

Should you have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact Mrs Grindle or Mrs Wilbourne, our SENCo.


How does the school know if children need extra help and what should parents do if they think their child may have special educational needs?

  • Liaison with previous school/setting
  • Early identification through Nursery/Early Years and Year 1 Assessments
  • Conversations with parents to address any concerns
  • Conversations with staff following concerns raised re – academic and other progress through ‘Cause for Concern’ system.
  • Pupil progress monitored carefully.
  • Pupil progress for every child in school measured on a termly basis.
  • Liaison with a relevant external agencies
  • Identification through involvement with Access Pathway or Early Help
  • First point of contact for parents would be class teacher who would then signpost to appropriate member of staff
  • How is the decision made about how much individual support pupils will receive?
  • The decision is made with Class Teacher / SENCo/ Teaching Assistant / Deputy Head / Headteacher/ together with parents and professionals involved.
  • Parents are invited to attend meetings.
  • Parents receive copies of reports and Personal Provision Plans.
  • Advice may be given to parents as to how to support their child at home.
  • Other agencies are brought in to work with the child based on individual need.



How does the school support pupils with special educational needs? 

  • Initially the school will map out the individual child’s needs and then identify an appropriate programme of support. This is done through observations, assessment and close monitoring of learning as well as emotional social and behavioural development.
  • Interventions can be offered on an individual or small group basis with the class teacher involved in the monitoring of progress with the support of the SENCo.
  • What mechanisms are in place for supporting pupils’ overall wellbeing?
  • The school has a good programme of support for children with social, emotional and communication difficulties which is delivered by designated and trained Teaching Assistants and overseen by the Deputy Head and SENCo. Certain individual pupils may have tailor-made 1-1 or small group programmes as required. Children are closely monitored and external agencies are involved when appropriate. Parents are kept informed during this process. Please see ‘Provision for Social, Emotional and Mental Well Being at New Waltham Academy’ under the Cosy Club section of the website.
  • With regard to attendance a process of first day contact is in place and children are prioritised as necessary.
  • Regular register trawls are made, home visits take place as required and close liaison is maintained via text, letter or telephone call.
  • The views of pupils are obtained via  pupil survey board and the school council where each class is represented by two children.
  • All medicines are locked in a cabinet with the exception of inhalers and Epipens which are stored in the child’s classroom to ensure quick access when needed.
  • If a child requires regular medication a medical plan is produced with the guidance of the school nurse.
  • We are in close contact with the school nurse and other appropriate agencies to ensure staff training is up to date e.g. Epipen use.
  • Prior to children entering the school either as an Early Years child or a mid year  transfer a home visit is offered where parents have the opportunity to discuss any issues.
  • All Teaching Assistants and Midday Supervisors are first aiders and this training is updated as and when required.
  • A first aider is on duty at every playtime and lunchtime



How will parents know how their child is doing?

  • Parents are invited into a ‘Drop In’ in the Autumn term to review their child’s learning. At the end of the term they are also given a pupil progress letter and invited in to discuss progress towards their child Provision Map. Parents are also invited in  to discuss progress in Spring term and another progress letter is given at the end of the term. An end of year report is given in Summer term and another parents drop in is held.
  • Pupil progress is recorded onto data sheets termly and Pupil Progress Meetings follow this. If issues are identified and further intervention is required parents are informed and invited in for a meeting.
  • How are parents involved in discussions about planning for their child’s education?

How are children able to contribute their views?

  • Parents are invited to discuss any interventions that are recommended either by school or outside agencies. Suggestions are often made as to how parents can further this support at home. Regular updates are then given and where necessary the next stage is discussed. Parents are made aware of their child’s progress compared with the national picture.
  • Children are able to contribute to their learning on an individual basis through 1-1 discussions with teachers about their targets.
  • The school’s Learning Council give regular feedback via a series of interviews and questionnaires.
  • The School Council meet regularly with two representatives present from each class.
  • Statemented children are always encouraged to give feedback prior to an Annual Review meeting.



How is learning and development provision matched to individual pupils’ needs?

  • Differentiation is built in to all lessons taking into account different learning styles, educational needs and also social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.
  • The SENCo works closely with class teachers and Teaching Assistants to ensure good quality provision.
  • Children know who they can talk to about any issues.
  • How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to pupils’ SEN?
  • The school’s SEN budget is allocated for resources and for training and is used to support pupils with statements.
  • The Headteacher is responsible for the SEN budget, however the SENCo has a key role in allocating budget and resources.
  • What specialist services and expertise are available at the school or accessed by the school?
  • The first resource in school is the expertise of the SENCo who provides advice and support for pupils, staff and parents where appropriate. She also works closely with other SENCos in the alliance.
  • Training has been accessed in relation to ASD, Dyslexia and Deaf Awareness.
  • School has identified trained first aiders within every year group and a first aider is available in a designated area during every playtime and lunchtime.
  • We also access the learning and Cognition Team on a termly basis and Educational Psychology Services as and when required.
  • School accesses other specialist services such as health, therapy and social care as required
  • How accessible is the school / academy environment?

(n.b. every school/academy must have an up to date Accessibility Plan which is reviewed periodically by Governors).

  • The school building is wheelchair accessible.
  • The school has a disabled toilet.
  • How are pupils included in activities outside the classroom including trips?

(n.b the DDA Reasonable Adjustments legislation expects schools/academies to be anticipatory in respect of school activities and trips)

  • All pupils with SEND are able to access the school’s activities and the school assists individual pupils on a needs-led basis.
  • Meetings are held in school prior to longer school trips so that parents can be involved in deciding what reasonable adjustments are necessary and risk assessments are written as necessary.



What training have the staff supporting pupils with SEN had, or what are they expected to have?

(n.b under the SEN Code of Practice legislation, schools/academies need to offer high quality professional development and training to the work force.) 

  • Staff have received training in ASD, Dyslexia, Irlen Syndrome and Deaf Awareness.
  • In addition staff receive training depending on what is required for individual children e.g. Downs Syndrome training.
  • Staff are able to draw on the expertise of the SENCo as and when required.



How does the school prepare and support pupils to join the school, transfer to a new school or the next stage of education and life in order to ensure their well-being?

  • Information passed on to a new school includes the pupil’s file and where appropriate SEN information. Where appropriate other information is shared e.g. child protection information.
  • To help prepare a pupil for a change in placement year 5 children are involved in feeder school participation visits.
  • In year 6 further visits to feeder schools are planned with additional visits arranged for any pupil who requires extra support with transition. These additional visits are initially accompanied by a member of our teaching or support staff where appropriate.
  • Meetings are arranged between Year 6 class teachers and feeder school teachers during the summer term to discuss individual pupil needs. The SENCo is also involved in these meetings.



Who can parents contact for further information?

  • The first point of call for a parent who wishes to discuss something about their child would be the child’s class teacher, however the SENCo is available to discuss any issues as they arise.
  • Parents can phone or call in to school if they wish to arrange to speak to any member of staff.
  • Complaints about the school should be addressed to the Headteacher.
  • Complaints about the Headteacher should be addressed to the Chairperson of the Governing Body.
  • The school welcomes the involvement where necessary, of the Parent Partnership Service.