New Waltham Academy

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School Uniform Requirements






School uniform is now purchased from Greenswear, High Street, Cleethorpes or ordered online via their website.

Children are encouraged to have a school logo sweatshirt or cardigan.

Second hand uniform can be purchased, please speak to the school office. 


Children are placed into 'House Teams' on arrival, siblings are placed in the same team.  For PE, children need to wear a PE shirt in the colour of their team, with the school logo on.

Please make sure all uniform is labelled with child's name and class.


Clothing recommended should be in the basic school items of:

Tailored trousers or skirt (no 'ra ra' skirts)

Shirt, blouse or polo shirt - in white

School logo sweatshirt or cardigan only

Sensible shoes  - black only - no trainers to be worn at any time. 

Girls' shoes should be appropriate heights, if heels  are too high there is a danger to health and safety. Boots (black only) are only allowed for inclement weather.


Summer Clothing

For  boys, white polo shirt with trousers or tailored shorts. For girls, white polo shirt with grey skirt or trousers or tailored shorts (not 'short' shorts or 'hot pants' etc) or blue and white checked/striped dresses.


Sandals of non garish colour, are also fine for the summer but socks must be worn with them.


Clothing for PE

Blue or black shorts, t-shirt in the house colour and plimsolls for indoor use. Trainers are not permitted for use  indoors but should be provided for outdoor activities.

Clothing for outdoor games - during the cold weather a smart track suit (blue or black only) may be brought to school and used as necessary and a school logo hoody.

For all other outdoor sports, children will need shorts and house coloured t-shirts and trainers.


Swimming (Year 4-6 only)

Costume, towel and swimming cap. Verruca socks may be worn if desired.